Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ehhh…Wassup Doc!!??!

Had been to my quack for a checkup on a perennial problem and instead of administering a cure, she took a complete U-turn of a deviation and settled in on her preferred choice of subject - marriage. She sort of suggested that my hormones would rebel like crazy if i did not tie the knot (around my neck). I looked at that implication a tad dubiously since she’s been a very vocal advocate of my marital status. Being tirelessly hounded by scores of homo sapiens on the same subject...I did something weird.

I launched into a revolutionary tirade on why marriage is not for the likes of me. And finished it with a smug and successful look on my face. She in turn, gave me a number that made me duck behind her desk with my eyeballs peering out.

I’m never gonna see that doc again. She’ll probably burn me at the stake.


Pinku said...

Doc or witch Doc...or someone your mom has employed...who exactly is this???

Hang on there and marry only and IF ONLY you find someone you cant bear to live away from....and can bear to see grow old, unshaved, snivelling like a fool cause he/she hurt the big toe etc etc....not to mention other more obnoxious habits that even a mother finds hard to forgive in her own child.

mixdbrew said...

Hahahahahaha!! I'm presuming you are married ;)